Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Battle: My Stomach

After dinner with a friend, we settled on going to see the latest offering at the cinema - Battle: Los Angeles.  I must say that I prefer to attend movies with low expectations in mind, that way I'm either pleasantly surprised, or not...  But at any rate, I spent the first half of this movie trying to get the nausea in my stomach under control from the hand-held camera the cinematographer decided to use.  After that, I was able to relax into a nice adrenal rush.  Half 'Blackhawk Down', half 'Independence Day', there were some gripping, and not so gripping moments in this one.  This fellow here:

He had some great lines... until the dialogue swung more toward ID4 at the end of his monologue; then cue the uplifting score.  Ah well, I guess it can't all be gritty.  Anyway, my suggestion, don't eat before you go see this...


Friday, February 18, 2011

 No one wears weird as well as Ms. Carter.  I'm fairly certain I'm in love here...

When explaining her eccentric fashion choices on the red carpet at the Screen Actors Guild Awards, Helena Bonham Carter quipped: "I'm here because I'm supposed to act well, not dress well."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

So I learned yesterday whilst shopping, that you can pretty much find designer-anything... Case in point: designer headphones.  I'm not kidding.  Apparently Dr. Dre, Lady GaGa, and Vivian Tambian, have all designed audio headgear. 

I can't decide - should I be amused, or simply befuddled?

Monday, January 24, 2011