Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Battle: My Stomach

After dinner with a friend, we settled on going to see the latest offering at the cinema - Battle: Los Angeles.  I must say that I prefer to attend movies with low expectations in mind, that way I'm either pleasantly surprised, or not...  But at any rate, I spent the first half of this movie trying to get the nausea in my stomach under control from the hand-held camera the cinematographer decided to use.  After that, I was able to relax into a nice adrenal rush.  Half 'Blackhawk Down', half 'Independence Day', there were some gripping, and not so gripping moments in this one.  This fellow here:

He had some great lines... until the dialogue swung more toward ID4 at the end of his monologue; then cue the uplifting score.  Ah well, I guess it can't all be gritty.  Anyway, my suggestion, don't eat before you go see this...
